Rotator Cuff Tear
The rotator cuff can be acutely injured and torn
by trauma (such as from falling onto the
shoulder) or by chronic inflammation, age
related degeneration and overuse.
A torn tendon can lead to a painful weak
shoulder that makes it difficult to lift your
shoulder out from your side.
Cuff tears can be either partial thickness or
full thickness.
Opinion on the management of rotator cuff tears
can vary between surgeons and is influenced by
their training, their interpretation of the
available literature and the techniques and
resource available to them. I believe that if a
tendon is torn and has been symptomatic then it
should be repaired. A complete rotator cuff tear
will not heal. Complete ruptures require surgery
to return your shoulder to optimal function.
If left untreated partial thickness articular
sided tears can progress to full thickness
tears. When a full thickness tear is present the
rotator cuff muscle gradually atrophies and
becomes infiltrated with fat. These changes are
irreversible, however repair of the torn tendon
can prevent further progression and atrophy of
the rotator cuff muscle.
Once clinical examination suggests the presence
of a rotator cuff tear, my practice is to
request an MRI scan. This provides information
on the size of tear and quality of remaining
muscle. It helps formulate a treatment plan and
aides in decision to operate. If the muscle is
too atrophied and infiltrated with fat then
there may be no benefit to be gained from
reconstructive surgery.
Post operatively your repair needs protected in
a sling. Experimental evidence has shown that it
can take up to 12 weeks for the new bone-tendon
interface to mature and attain maximum strength.

Fatty Atrophy
Rotator Cuff Repair
A rotator cuff repair involves mobilizing the
retracted torn tendon, pulling it back to its
anatomical insertion and securing it to bone via
sutures and bone anchors. I perform this
procedure arthroscopically because this method
allows me to treat more complex tears safely.
The first stage in rotator cuff repair is
subacromial decompression. Two to three
additional 5mm incisions are usually.
Next the cuff is mobilized and the tear
characteristics and pattern identified. The
footprint (broad insertion area) of the torn
tendon is roughened and microfractured to
promote increased vascularity at the insertion
site and improve bone – tendon interface
healing. Bone anchors with sutures are inserted
into the bone and finally the tendon is sutured
back in place.
Occasionally the rotator cuff
has been torn for so long that it is retracted
too far and cannot be pulled back to its
insertion point even with extensive
mobilization. In these circumstances it is
sometimes possible to advance a neighbouring
tendon forwards or perform other salvage
procedures arthroscopically to achieve
improvement in function of the shoulder.

Immediately following your surgery:
- you will have an absorbent dressing covering
you shoulder for 24 hours to absorb the
arthroscopic fluid that was pumped through your
shoulder during the procedure.
- you will have an icepack to help reduce post
op inflammation. I recommend it is applied for
30-45 minutes and then removed for 2 hours
before being re-applied. This has been shown to
be effective for up to 72 hours post surgery.
- your arm will be supported in an Abduction
Brace. This is both for pain relief and to
protect the repair site. It is necessary to wear
this sling for 4-6 weeks depending on the
quality of the underlying tendon and bone-tendon
- Physiotherapy can commence when the
post-operative pain begins to settle. It is
important to be guided by your therapist and not
to overdo your exercises.
Post-operative physiotherapy program.
I use two different
rehabilitation programs, depending on quality of
the torn tendon and security of the repair.
Standard Rehabilitation
Following discharge from
hospital you will have regular outpatient review
until your symptoms are significantly resolved.
Successful tendon repair not only requires a
high quality technical repair, but relies upon
the patient’s own healing response, to heal the
tendon to bone.
Outcome can be variable because it is dependent
on patient age, size and chronicity of the tear,
and muscle degeneration and atrophy.
Patients with good quality bone and tendon that
can be brought easily to the insertion area can
expect a success rate of 85% - 90%. In patients
who have poor quality irreparable tissue, the
majority still experience an improvement in
their symptoms if they are carefully selected
for surgery.

for Recovery
Accelerated Rehabilitation Program
Weeks 1 -3 Pendular exercises
Weeks 3 - 6 Gentle Isometrics
Week 6 + Begin Active movements and RD
Return to Function
Driving 6 /52
Golf 3/ 12
All milestones are delayed by 2 weeks in
patients who are on standard (non accelerated
) rehabilitation program.
of Surgery
Complications are rare but can include:
Post operative stiffness – usually temporary and
responds well to steroid injection
Infection – very rare in keyhole surgery.
Nerve irritability.